Wednesday, June 9, 2010


In my view, what's happening in Europe is particularly important for investors to be aware of and understand.

                       The Greek government's official request for a rescue package from its European partners and the IMF. The European Union and the International Monetary Fund established a $1 trillion rescue package for member countries facing financial crisis and calm fears of the markets. But it didn't do. Instead, investors and speculators rushed out of Greek debt, driving up two year borrowing costs for the Greek government to over 18 percent.After that, the grim outlook for Greece sent investors and speculators looking at the next likely victim, Portugal.

                       Portugal's debt was aggressively sold and downgrades soon followed. With the Portugal domino starting to wobble, Spain came under the spotlight. As a result Spanish bonds were dumped and S&P downgraded Spain's credit rating and warnings of possible further downgrades. All of this sent shockwaves through global financial markets. We must remember the Financial Crisis in 2008 EEUU, Dubai crisis in 2009, and right now, the European Union Crisis. They are as a lot crisis in a short time.

                        Meanwhile, the European crisis has served to Spain and Portugal to adjust their budgets, and they are rethinking their macro economics goals in the long run.The $1 trillion rescue package was a show of force with the purpose of achieving stability in the euro. The EU and FMI went all in, throwing massive funds and dangerous guarantees at the debt problems, and printing money to support it. But it seems that not enough and the euro is in devaluation mode and so is the debt of all euro members. Perhaps a death spiral has begun of the European Monetary Union.

                        In the other hand, has been a curious fact that the warnings about a possible debt crisis in Spain and Portugal left from London by comments from specialists in the Financial Times. It's curious because experts have already warned about UK, where could be the next wobbly domino and neither Spain nor Portugal. They have perceived the most rapidly deteriorating debt load in UK since the financial crisis in 2008.In fact, United Kingdom is the holder of the biggest budget deficit of the G-7 world. As UK as Japan have had an aggressive growth of their debt since 2008.

                       The Bank of International Settlements has registered the following indicators; The Government Debt as percentages of GDP of Japan was 167% in 2007, now is 197% and expect a 204% ended 2011. United Kingdom had a 47% in 2007, now is 83% and expects a 94% ended 2011. It will be an increment of 100% in only four years.The euro has now 1$ trillion as support, how much could has the Pound? How much money could have the Yen as support?
Also is very important to say that Japan is the country holds the most government debt in the world as a percentage of its GDP it’s 197%, The United States has a 92% and projected to 2011 will be in 100%

                       In conclusion, I believe that neither Spain nor Portugal will be the next, I am thinking that it will be between United Kingdom or Japan.


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Angela Merkel, Germany's chancellor said in Berlin;
"We need the financial industry to be honest with us, If we don't get honesty, then we might not do the right thing technically but we will do the right thing politically"

Saturday, May 15, 2010


In my view, what's happening in Europe is particulary important for investors to be aware of and understand.
The Greek government's official request for a rescue package from its European partners and the IMF.
The European Union and the International Monetary Fund established a $1 trillion rescue package for member countries facing financial crisis and calm fears of the markets. But it didn't do. Instead, investors and speculators rushed out of Greek debt, driving up two year borrowing costs for the Greek government to over 18 percent.
After that,the grim oulook for Greece sent investors and speculators looking at the next likely victim, Portugal.
Portugal's debt was aggressively sold and downgrades soon followed.
With the Portugal domino starting to wobble, Spain came under the spotlight. As a result Spanish bonds were dumped and S&P downgraded Spain's credit rating and warnigs of possible further downgrades.

All of this sent shockwaves through global financial markets.
We must remember the  Financial Crisis in 2008 EEUU, Dubai crisis in 2009, and right now, the European Union Crisis. They are as a lot crisis in a short time. Are you agree?.
Meanwhile, the european crisis has served to Spain and Portugal to adjust their budgets, and they are rethinking their macro economics goals in the long run.

The $1 trillion rescue package was a  show of force with the purpose of achieving stability in the euro. The EU and FMI went all in, throwing massive funds and dangerous guarantees at the debt problems, and printing money to support it. But it seems that not enough and the euro is in devaluation mode and so is the debt of all euro members. Perhaps a death spiral has begun of the European Monetary Union.

In the other hand, has been a curious fact that the warnings about a possible debt crisis in Spain and Portugal left from London by comments from specialists in the Financial Times. It's curious because experts have already warned about UK, where could be the next wobbly domino and neither Spain nor Portugal. They are perceiving the most rapidly deteriorating debt load in UK since the financial crisis in 2008.
In fact, United Kingdom is the holder of the biggest budget deficit of the G-7 world. As UK as Japan have had an aggressive growth of their debt since 2008.

The Bank of International Settlements has registred the following indicators, The Government Debt as a percentage of GDP of Japan was  167% in 2007, now is 197% and expect a 204% ended 2011. United Kingdom had a 47% in 2007, now is 83% and expect a 94% ended 2011. It will be a increment of 100% in only four years.
The euro has now 1$ trillion as support, how much could has the Pound?. How much money could has the Yen as support?
Also is very important to say that Japan  is the country holds the most goverment debt in the world as a percentage of its GDP it"s 197%, The United States has a 92% and proyected to 2011 will be in 100%

In conclusion, I believe that neither Spain nor Portugal will be the next, I am thinking that it will be between United Kingdom or Japan.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wall Street need to be reformed!

Today,the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell nearly 1.000 points in its largest ever intraday points drop, which may have involved a trading error.
The problem was that this trading error shop on Procter & Gamble one blue chip stock weighed severely on the Dow. The stock rapidy plummeted 40% and immediately started the cascade of selling.
The selloff briefly erased more than $ 1trillion in market value and more than 29.4 billions shares changed hands in all U.S. market today.
I think that if a fat finger trade contributed to free fall the market and it cost more than One Trillion Dollars in market value, this fact should be thorough investigated.
More than 60% of trade are executed electronically and all the system should be accurate and reliable. The White House has a great opportunity for change Wall Street.

In Mind Today.

The big corporations should create new jobs in USA If they want to grow solidly

Friday, April 2, 2010

"Venezuela y su Industria Petrolera."

Venezuela y su Industria Petrolera.

La OPEP viene poniendo en duda las cifras de producción petrolera anunciadas por Venezuela desde hace mas de dos años. De igual manera están en entredicho las cifras correspondientes a los volúmenes probados de reservas en gas y petróleo.

Esa es una de las razones por las cuales ni Rusia ni China han querido entrar seriamente en los negocios petroleros ubicados en La Faja del Orinoco y tantas veces ofrecidos prácticamente sin condiciones por el gobierno venezolano de Chávez.

Mientras tanto, tanto Rusia como China no se terminan de declarar abiertamente contra estos acuerdos por que tienen intereses momentáneos más importantes en Venezuela, seguir vendiéndole armas a Chávez.

La emblemática compañía petrolera americana, Chevron, cuyos mayores accionistas son los Bush, acepto participar en la explotación de la Faja del Orinoco a pedimento expreso de Chávez, pero detrás de ello hay razones geopolíticas más que económicas.

Por su parte, Chevron, acaba de ganarle una demanda internacional al gobierno de Correa, Ecuador, quien en un arrebato de nacionalismo instigado por Chávez, hizo con Chevron en Ecuador lo que Chávez estaba haciendo con empresas internacionales de todo tipo ubicadas por muchísimos años en Venezuela.

El pueblo ecuatoriano, no Correa, tendrá que pagar 600 millones de dólares a Chevron, suma que es sumamente grande si entendemos que las reservas internacionales del Ecuador se ubican aproximadamente en 4.000 millones de dólares.

De la misma manera, Chávez como consecuencia de sus políticas en contra de la inversión privada, tiene demandas por más de 8.000 millones de dólares solo en el sector petrolero, producto de expropiaciones y desconocimientos de contratos legalmente firmados durante su propio gobierno, ya no heredados de administraciones anteriores. Dinero que tendrá que ser pagado tarde o temprano por el pueblo venezolano, con sus respectivos intereses.

La desconfianza sobre las estadísticas económicas mostradas por el gobierno venezolano es inminente, al punto que nadie cree en el monto de las reservas internacionales que Venezuela dice tener, entre otras cosas, porque del monto total declarado solo pueden establecerse con precisión , la ubicación y magnitud de las reservas en oro, las reservas declaradas efectivamente como tales en otras monedas no concuerdan en magnitud por mucho con las cifras dadas por el presidente en sus programas televisivos de cada domingo.

Para los venezolanos, que todo lo tomamos a chiste, nos podría parecer cómico y folklórico saber que el presidente nos está mintiendo, pero entiéndase, que la comunidad económica internacional no entiende ni acepta mentiras en boca de un presidente, menos aun si las dice descaradamente frente a cámaras de televisión, con la presencia de corresponsales extranjeros expresamente venidos para tener la información de primera mano, eso para ellos tiene una lectura totalmente diferente a la que nosotros le damos.

Es tan notorio el grado de destrucción en la que se encuentra la industria petrolera venezolana que es noticia internacional el que no sea capaz, ni tan siquiera, de generar la energía que necesita para funcionar normalmente, esto es inaudito y tiene muchísimas implicaciones de toda índole para los entendidos, que desde todos los rincones del mundo siguen en detalle cada acontecimiento en la industria petrolera que por muchísimos años fue considerada un ejemplo a seguir.

Todos los proyectos de desarrollo aguas abajo que había contemplado desarrollar la industria petrolera venezolana fueron eliminados y cerrados por este gobierno marxista, de la misma manera que hizo con todos los proyectos de electrificación nacional. Pues así como hoy nos encontramos sufriendo las consecuencias de esa salvaje atrocidad en la industria eléctrica, de la misma manera pasara con la industria petrolera nacional.


By: CyberSpyOne.

Friday, March 26, 2010

"The United States are financing the best comunism that dollar can buy"

"Venezuela, currently has the best of socialism that the U>S. dollar can buy".

Not words of my authorship, but I agree, these are of an excellent Cuban political analyst, who lives in Venezuela since the 60s. He discovered a thriving country, truly democratic, worker, where there was no discrimination because of race, origin or religion.

Freedoms existed economic, education and thought, but all that has changed under the dictatorial government of President Chavez and the direction of Fidel Castro .

Now, Venezuela is a haven of corruption and discrimination. But the paradox of this situation is that all this has been possible thanks to funding from The United State of America, the biggest enemy of the govermment of Chavez. It has been personally assured for Chavez to the international media of communications, each Sunday morning on his endless press conferences.

As this was possible? Well, America can not ignore the Venezuelan oil and funding whit its dollars, the export of the communist system to other countries. In other words, importing oil from Venezuela, America is funding the export of the communist, it is a bad business in the long time.

President Obama must do something soon for the survival of the American nation, he must deal with three basic problems, high consumption of oil and drugs, otherwise within two generations, The United States of America will be only history.

What Executive has to do to avoid Foreclosure?

What Executive has to do to avoid Foreclosure?

DEAR CyberSpy:

I am a 38 year old with wife and two grown daughters. We are homeowners of a beautiful house in Orlando FL., you know, buying a house is part of the American dream. Nowadays, I am fighting off foreclosures, from those caught in the subprime mortgage crisis. I am very confused. I need to clear my head. I have a good job, and an excellent salary, but many times we do not have enough money to pay de loan. I used to pay correctly each month my loan but this is changing and I feel panic! What I have to do to avoid foreclosure?

Dear Executive:

Don’t Panic, people of all income levels are fighting off foreclosures. If you are concerned that you’re nearing the point of delinquency or foreclosure, pay close attention, because there are ways you can avoid getting caught in this mess.

The first thing I would do would be to get information about the laws in your state and after that I recommend the fallowing steps.

Step 1: Get Clear About Your Finances.

It’s very important that you to look at your finances carefully. You have to analyze your situation about credit cards debt and other debt so that you can determine what it is you should be doing. Cutting expenses is a good way to avoid foreclosure.

Step 2: Call the Lender.

If you still can’t find a way to make your mortgage payments after researching your finances, then it’s time to call to the lender. When you call, explain your situation and ask the lender what kind of agreement can be worked out so that it is mutually beneficial.

Step 3: Find Extra Money.

This is not a joke! You can talk with your employers. They could be a source of extra money for you because they may have a loan program or a grant program or be willing to set something up to assist you. The point is, get creative in order to help save your home.

Step 4: Don’t Walk Away.

Abandoning your property doesn’t solve the problem, because a foreclosure is something that will follow you for the next seven to ten years. A foreclosure is worse on a credit report than a bankruptcy, because this shows that you weren’t willing to take the action necessary to solve your situation.

Step 5: Put 10 percent of your salary away.

It’s really important that you start planning for the rainy days. Get a 401K plan.

By CyberSpyOne

La carta a Chavez de Beatriz Borregales

Esto hay que leerlo sin saltar una sola palabra. Admiro la valentía de esta mujer, abogado, que se está jugando su tranquilidad y seguridad. Bravo por ella y ojalá que todos pudiéramos seguir su ejemplo
¿Marxista o bolivariano?… le pregunta Beatriz Borregales a Chávez...

Soy Marxista, pero no he leído el Capital. Soy Bolivariano, pero no he leído la opinión de Marx sobre Bolívar…

Aún no nos acostumbramos a esos dislates, ¿Se puede ser marxista sin haber leído El Capital? Para leer y entender la obra de Carlos Marx (parecería muy conveniente) haber leído - ¡y comprendido! - primero a los filósofos griegos: a Heráclito, a Parménides y el problema del Ser, a Sócrates , sobre todo a Platón, La República , aquella que pretendía leer el Sargento Freires debajo de la sombra escasa de las Inoras, en Yare…- ¿ no se olvida verdad..? y entender las Virtudes en Aristóteles, en particular la Justicia. Haber leído a San Agustín, la Civitas Terrena y la Civitas Dei, luego a Santo Tomás de Aquino, al menos el resumen de la Summa Teologica; la “duda total”, el “cogito, sum”, “pienso luego existo”, de Descartes… la Moral de Emmanuel Kant: “dos cosas me asombran, el cielo estrellado sobre mí y la moral dentro de mí ¨. (Pero… usted no conoce ni Moral (de la cual son capítulo central las Virtudes) ni Luces (de las cuales son algunas “joyas” las obras anteriores); usted ha destruido la República. Se puede pretender ser algo sin conocerlo, pero al precio o de la inconsciencia, de la inconsistencia o de la manipulación…cada uno que escoja.
Hay que conocer el proceso de la Filosofía Política antes de llegar a Marx; decir que se es marxista, así de buenas, y no haberse leído El Capital, es (muy probablemente) porque no se ha podido pasar de la segunda página; no se lo ha entendido, (¡o si se intentó, a lo mejor “murió”, intelectualmente, en el intento!); diga mejor francamente: no entiendo una sola línea. La dialéctica (marxista), el planteamiento de la tesis, la antítesis y la síntesis es para filósofos, no para usted. Comprender lo ABSTRACTO, actividad del espíritu razonante, requiere elevación y ductilidad, y usted tiene un pensamiento de CONCRETO ARMADO.
O tal vez mejor ahora: no lo intente, ese pensamiento está obsoleto, sencillamente FRACASÓ en su mejor “prueba” marxiana: en la práctica en todo tiempo y lugar en que se ha ensayado...

El diálogo, el intercambio de las ideas, la hermenéutica, el parto de las ideas, la discusión para llegar a un consenso, eso usted no lo acepta, más aún, ni se lo plantea; lo suyo es el monólogo. Lo de usted es una “voluntad de poder” (Nietzsche) vacío de conceptos y contenidos. Lo de usted es la guerra, el fusil, la orden, la obediencia, los gritos, el castigo, la persecución, la cárcel, la muerte. Razón tenía el Rey de España, la mejor conseja que algún sensato le ha dado. Escuche la corrección… (Ella fue “real, una “soberana” corrección…)
Lo que usted es se lo voy a decir: usted ha luchado para subvertir las Instituciones democráticas, para acabar con los fundamentos de la cultura, de la religión; de corromper y desnaturalizar al Ejército, arruinar al país , acabar con la economía, envenenar a los niños y pervertir a los jóvenes, transculturizando la santería,- ¡pobres criaturas! usted es el responsable (legal, político, moral, judicial)... Usted es un complotista (confeso) (y un golpista, orgulloso en su pretensión, frustrado y a la vez culpable en su ejecución) ; es destructor de la soberanía (popular por la centralización y la megalomanía).
HIPÓCRITA, usando la esperanza de los pobres para su beneficio, con su (perorata) - ¡discurso (es otra cosa; es racionalidad)!- de justicia social lo único que busca es la dominación de los pueblos de América (para salvarse de la cárcel que es lo que ve en su futuro, para no comentar, ni por error, las predicciones de los astros...). En usted se amparan los saqueadores del erario (público), los corruptos abominables (a costa) del dinero nuestro. ¿Fieles a usted? ¿Leales a la revolución? ¿Fieles a una doctrina marxista?... No señor; leales a sus tesoros, que usted les dejó agarrar (amasar) con las garras de la inmoralidad.
Usted es un sembrador de miedo y terror, aniquilador de la Libertad y la Justicia. Usted no es marxista, usted es un TIRANO.
Y ahora le voy a hacer una pregunta: Si no ha leído El Capital ¿habrá oído decir al menos lo que opinaron Marx y Engels sobre EL LIBERTADOR… “ES ENOJOSO LEER CÓMO A ESTE COBARDE, VIL Y MISERABLE CANALLA LLAMADO BOLÍVAR, LO GLORIFICAN COMO A UN NAPOLEÓN” (Obras completas: Marx y Engels, tomo XXII, pag 304. Si Marx lo hubiese conocido y oído, diría: ciertamente ese canalla reencarnó en usted. ¿Marxista o Bolivariano?: escoja…

Beatriz Borregales
Abogada venezolana